Making Textile Circularity in Indonesia a Reality

GGGI, along with Indonesian ministries, visited a textile recycling facility in Surabaya. This visit aimed to identify investment opportunities for their Green Transition program, which supports circular economy businesses and sustainable practices in Southeast Asia.


The GGGI Indonesia team, together with the Ministry of National Development Planning (Bappenas), the Ministry of Industry, and the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK), visited PT Daur Langkah Bersama  (Pable), a textile-to-textile recycling company, at its recycling facility in Surabaya, East Java.


The visit in May was part of the identification steps within GGGI’s Green Transition Investment Program (GTIP), a regional project that covers Indonesia, Vietnam, and the Philippines. GTIP’s goal is to accelerate the green transition of said countries by mobilizing investments, including in/for circular economy start-ups and small and medium enterprises (SMEs), downstream waste management infrastructure, and sustainable forest management projects.


Through GTIP, GGGI Indonesia will support Pable’s expansion plan by equipping them with appropriate skills and knowledge. GTIP will leverage GGGI’s partnership with Bappenas and the Bandung Polytechnic of Textile Technology (Politeknik STTT Bandung) to develop a set of technical and vocational education and training (TVET) modules tailored to the existing and future workforce in the textile sector, preparing them for the shift to a more circular economy and creating green jobs.


During the visit, the GGGI team explored how Pable taps into textile waste and creates recycled fabrics for further use, both in garments and non-garments. GGGI gained a comprehensive understanding of Pable’s various operational stages, from collecting and sorting textile waste and recycling processes to weaving finished materials. Pable has also explored collaboration areas with various partners, including local communities and the private sector, which are vital in supporting the company’s operations and expanding its market reach.


Pable has a long-term vision to build a strong domestic market for recycled textile products. Through these efforts, Pable is committed to continually innovating and expanding its contribution to reducing textile waste, supporting the green economy, and building a sustainable recycled textile ecosystem in Indonesia.


The partnership under GTIP will also allow Pable to access technology transfer facilitated by Finland, through its Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Embassy in Jakarta, further bolstering Pable’s contribution to transforming textile waste into recycled products for the global and Indonesian market.