South Kalimantan Moving Towards Sustainable Development

On June 9, 2020, the Provincial Government of South Kalimantan supported by GGGI conducted a Kick-Off Virtual Meeting on the Preparation and Implementation of Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) concerning the Regional Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMD) of South Kalimantan Province in the period of 2021-2024 as one of the stages in the series of drafting the RPJMD SEA. The purpose of the drafting of the SEA is to ensure that the principles of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) become the basis and are integrated into the regional development planning documents.


The Provincial Secretary of South Kalimantan, Mr. Drs. H. Abud Haris, M.Si., officially opened the meeting with speakers from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Environment and Forestry, and the Provincial Forestry Agency of South Sulawesi, which was attended by around 90 participants from all government agencies in South Kalimantan Provincial Government, NGOs, and academics.


In his presentation, Mr. Erik Teguh Primiantoro, S.Hut., MES, Director for Prevention of Environmental Impacts on Regional and Sector Policies (PDLKWS) of the Ministry of Forest and Environment (MoEF) said that the 2020-2024 National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN) is the first RPJMN that emphasizes on the low carbon development which must also be considered and implemented by the regional government. SEA is not merely a document, but the result of SEA can be used as material to improve the process from planning to licensing as the sustainability at the landscape level must be connected with the project level.


On the same occasion, the Director of Synchronization of Regional Government Affairs (SUPD) 1 of the Directorate General of Regional Development (Bangda) the Ministry of Home Affairs, Mr. Drs. Nyoto Suwignyo, MM, expressed his hope that the RPJMD SEA of South Kalimantan Province can be well-drafted so that it can set an example for other provinces in Indonesia. SEA is a regional document that the stakeholders are expected to commit to and actively involved in the drafting process.


As one of the 270 regions in Indonesia that will conduct regional elections in 2020, the Provincial Government of South Kalimantan must formulate the SEA document as a fundamental part in drafting the RPJMD, which must be ratified not more than six months after the inauguration of the new regional head. The formulation of SEA is carried out using an ex-ante approach before or in conjunction with the drafting process of RPJMD’s technocratic design. SEA will provide a comprehensive guide for the prospective regional heads to formulate their green vision and mission, so the development and the environment can proceed in balance to benefit the community as well as being sustainable.