Diary of a Green Soul: An Inspiring Book of Green Lifestyles in Indonesia

A book titled “Diary of a Green Soul” has recently been published by the National Institute of Public Administration (NIPA) of the Republic of Indonesia in close collaboration with GGGI.


The book contains a collection of inspirational stories on green living, which was compiled and edited by GGGI Indonesia’s Knowledge and Capacity Development (KCD) team and NIPA, aiming to show appreciation to those who have adapted to more sustainable ways of living as well as to further promote and increase awareness of green lifestyles to the general public. It is an easy reading book (not a report) and targeted as a more popular publication that can be enjoyed any time of the day.


Diary of a Green Soul was deliberately published only in its original language of Bahasa Indonesia as the stories were written in informal everyday language with many Indonesian utterances and slangs, as well as lighthearted humor in the mix that, while simple, would be difficult to express in other languages without losing their true meanings and significance. Native speakers and those who understand Bahasa Indonesia are encouraged to read this book as both GGGI and NIPA are certain that the book will strike a chord with the readers. Download here and happy reading!