Mapping a Portrait of Green Growth Implementation in East Kalimantan 2010-2021

To map the Green Growth implementation portrait in East Kalimantan longitudinally from 2010 to 2021, Mulawarman University Samarinda and GGGI held an FGD to Study the Impact of the Green Growth Program in East Kalimantan on March 16, 2022, in Samarinda.


Around 35 participants from provincial government agencies, development partners, and academia attended the limited offline meeting. This discussion resulted in a study formulation that aims to assist the East Kalimantan Province in measuring the impact of green growth program interventions, policies, and commitments in East Kalimantan, as well as the implemented programs with the green growth impacts, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) indicators.


The declaration of Kaltim Hijau on January 7, 2010, marked the start of the Green Development of East Kalimantan. The declaration is a commitment to realize the Sustainable and Equitable Development, both by the Provincial and Regent/City Governments and all elements of society in East Kalimantan. The “Vision for Advanced East Kalimantan 2030: Realization of a Green Economy with Equity” strengthened the commitment. The vision is the beginning of the need for economic transformation from non-renewable resources to renewable resources by aligning and maintaining a balance of economic, environmental, and social pillars in planning and economic development that forms a green economy. Several policies and program activities have been developed to strengthen the foundation of the green economy’s transformation in East Kalimantan.


GGGI Indonesia, one of the development partners, supports this activity through the partnership scheme with Mulawarman University Samarinda (2021-2024) to support the Green Growth Program in East Kalimantan Province.