E-Trainer Training for e-Learning Effectiveness at the National Institute of Public Administration (Lembaga Administrasi Negara/LAN)

The National Institute of Public Administration (Lembaga Administrasi Negara/LAN) and Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) conducted e-trainers training on 25-27 October 2018, at the Hall of the College of Public Administration LAN, Jakarta. 23 participants from the Green Growth Working Group (Pokja Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Hijau/PEH), Widyaiswara (WI) LAN and staff of LAN Technical and Functional Training Center attended the training.


This training aimed to broaden participant’s insights and capabilities in developing digital learning methods, increasing delivery techniques and improving performance of e-learning facilitators. Participants were equipped with theory and practice of creating instructional design and multimedia-based teaching materials including voice recordings of lectures and video screencasts. All training material was sharpened by personal branding and total look because basically the facilitator is also the ambassador of the subjects he or she delivered, so it is also important to strengthen their soft skills.


This activity is in line with LAN that is developing and implementing e-learning methods in some of its training programs and training support activities. Some of the subjects such as English language training, protocols training and other basic trainings for prospective civil servants (Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil/CPNS) have been developed in digital form. Since this year, the application and interview process of participants of Reform Leader Academy (RLA) program at the Technical and Functional Training Center have been conducted online to improve time and cost efficiency, streamline the process, and reach more participants. This LAN’s e-learning spirit is in line with GGGI’s vision, especially in reducing carbon footprint.


Still in the same spirit, PEH Training that is being developed by LAN and GGGI will then be developed digitally and uploaded to the PEH LAN learning management system (LMS) to reach the State Civil Apparatus (Aparatur Sipil Negara/ASN) throughout Indonesia. This training also prepares prospective PEH Training facilitators — including PEH e-learning — that are skilled, enticing and innovative so that the PEH learning process can be more impactful.