Celebrating World Environment Day by Changing to a Sustainable and Environmentally Friendly Lifestyle

Nowadays, a sustainable lifestyle is a trendy way to live. So, to discuss the new lifestyle trend, the Directorate General of Climate Change (Ditjen PPI) of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry with the Indonesian Women’s Association (DWP) held a talkshow in celebration of World Environment Day themed Sustainable Lifestyle: A Modern Lifestyle for a Sustainable Environment. The event was held on Thursday, June 3, 2021 and supported by the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI). Opened by Dr. Bambang Hendroyono (MoEF Secretary General) and Ny. Erni Tjahjo Kumolo (Head of DWP), the engaging event featured stories of the actions taken by sustainable lifestyle activists and practitioners.


Divided into two sessions, the main themes of the talkshow include changing into sustainable living as a trendy lifestyle choice, particularly with regards to environmental friendliness, and the important role of women in implementing such lifestyles. Laksmi Dhewanthi (Director General of Climate Change) mentioned the importance of women’s active role as agents of tackling climate change. Rosa Vivien Ratnawati (Director General of Hazardous, Toxic and Waste Management) on the other hand presented a surprising fact in that we produce 9.85 billion sheets of plastic waste yearly as well as 93 million plastic straw waste daily, which if lined up would extend from Jakarta to Mexico City. Hence, she suggests that women must spread the message of waste prevention and reduction as the modern waste management philosophy.


In the sustainable lifestyle session, four resource persons shared their tips and tricks on the trendy modern lifestyle that they have applied in their own ways. Agni Pratistha (celebrity) spoke about her less-waste lifestyle by actively selective of product purchases, while Kleting Titis Wigati (fashion designer) talked about her activities in promoting sustainable fashion. Then there is Ukke R. Kosasih (slow living activist) who shared about her lifestyle where every action’s impact towards the environment must be weighed in order to connect better with the surrounding nature. Lastly, Mayang Mengurai (member of MoEF DWP) shared about the active roles she and other DWP members have played in spreading awareness on sustainable living such as through the Happy Less Waste Training (BISA).


If you’ve missed the talk show and are curious to know more tips and tricks on sustainable living, the recording of the event is available at: https://tinyurl.com/hidupberkelanjutan (in Bahasa Indonesia)